Lavorazioni di precisione su connettori elettronici: scopri come lavorare PEEK GF30 con tolleranze strette e finiture di alta qualità.

Precision Machining: The Challenge of Connectors for Electronics.

Extreme Tolerance Drilling on PEEK GF30: Technological Solutions for High-Performance Components.

The part examined in the film is a connector that is used in the electronics industry. This kind of component has, among its critical issues, that of having bores with very tight tolerances (0.02 mm) and high depth-to-diameter ratio.

The use of glass fiber-reinforced material and the need to work with tools characterized by lengths as much as 15 times the size of their diameter required a careful study of the process and the use of a high-performance CNC milling center capable of guaranteeing high spindle speeds and ensuring high precision and excellent surface finish over the entire height of the part.

The material specified for the application is 30% glass fiber-filled polyetheretherketone (PEEK GF30), which provides high dimensional stability and excellent mechanical properties even at high temperatures.